England Down 2-1 at Halftime on a Ridiculous Disallowed Goal

I am still in shock that Frank Lampard’s obvious goal was not allowed. Very good to hear Jurgen Klinsman on ESPN say “it’s a disgrace.”


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, England / UK, Europe, Germany, Globalization, Sports

4 comments on “England Down 2-1 at Halftime on a Ridiculous Disallowed Goal

  1. Intercessor says:

    Soccer will never win the US top drawer interest and ratings. This Faux-pas is not the first this tournament and might not even be the worst offense. Why invest interest in teams that are jobbed by these buffoon officials and bureaucrats? Not me! At least real football has replay.

  2. Ad Orientem says:

    There is a lot of commentary on the slew of really bad calls so far in this World Cup. And I am not just talking about in the blogoshere. Serious sports journalists are starting to actually put in writing what a lot of people have been quietly wondering… Is it possible that at least some of the unbelievably bad calls were deliberate?

  3. Londoner says:

    yeah, but goals 3 and 4 showed how much England did not deserve to win (what were our pathetic defenders doing??)……it is a relief to be out given how poor each England performance in the cup has been …..it was always jus a matter of time……now I can support Brasil!

  4. Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) says:

    There are phenomenal amounts of money bet on footer (=football/soccer) and the outcomes of matches have significant financial implications.

    Referees from grubby little countries like Mali, who (for example) disallowed the US’s winning goal against Slovenia, Arabia and Khazakhstan are tremendously susceptible to bribes. Give a ref from Mali $50K in unmarked US twenties and he is set for the good life such as it can be found in Bamako.